Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ever wonder...

I thought my health would be with I just don't get it..,going in for testing..found out some of it could be genetic...that sucks!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

First Rosebud of spring

Happy spring Grandpa! Miss u!

Rescuers: Woman and Wolf

The cold snapped at her face as she looked up torward the setting sun. The hike today had been a long one,  placing her foot on top of the snow she heard the audiable crunch of the snow beneth the wieght of her frozen foot. Her muscles were sore from fighting the cold, all afternoon , making her utterly chilled to the bone. This hike: to find a lost sled racer had been a bust. She knew that she would have to go out again tomorrow to look but the warmth and comfort of home beckoned.  The aches and pains of the day were starting to wear on her. Looking to her companion, a leggy  double coated wolf dog with thick fur didn’t seem to be sharing her discomfort. She was a little irrated by this, crossing her arms she looked out at the campsites below.  Lights glowed in that valley signeling, warmth and home coming to her. The four-legged wolf dog, glanced out into the woods.  Both were thinking of the very same thing just a little differently.  The hybrid canine wanted to look for a rabbit or  even left overs of someone elses meal.

            The woman on the other hand was on a completely different page.  She longed for a bacon, lettce and tomato sandwhich with just a hint of mayo. Her mouth watered just thinking about it. Glancing down at her friend,  she smiled he was looking out to the woods again.

“Hunting again tonight?”  The woman asked, the dog knowing she was talking  to him looked back at her with a doggy grin. The air in front of his muzzle was like mist billowing out of his mouth, showing just how cold it was. 

            The hybrid, looked out into the distance toward the cache of trees well away from his human and her pack. He could hear the rabbit making it’s way through the forest to it’s den. Glancing back at his two-legged companion he whined.

            “Go on, I will be fine from here.” She watched him leap forward into action. The snow barely hindering his movement,  or his grace in the run.  Suddenly he stopped and looked back at her, “go on friend, but be back before it gets to late.” The woman waved her hand in the motion you would use to tell a child to go back and play .  Again the wolf dog effortlessly went into action again, long gentle strides toward the forest ahead.

            “Have fun friend,” she whispered after him.  Her eyes caught that her breath was even frezzing.  In that case she better get herself inside too.

            Hiking down the well used path that lead to the bunk houses used by the rescue crew, she felt her gait get stiffer and stiffer.  She smiled and nodded to the people she seen, all of them felt the same way, the sledder had been missing for three days now.  Sighing, when she got to her cabin door, she pulled the latch and walked into the darkened one room building. Flipping on the light next to the door, she  took her pack off, landing to the ground with a “thump”. Layer after layer she began to remove her jacket, the softer jacket underneth and so forth. Once down to just her T-shirt and the jeans that had been under her snow pants she relxed even more. Walking to the stove she got out a frying pan, placing the pan on the burner she turned it on. Grabbing the bacon out of the fridge she unwrapped the white paper until she got to the slick, soft and wiggley uncooked pork. Throwing 6 slices on the skillet she re-wrapped the package of bacon up and placed it back in the fridge.  Pulling the toaster out of the corner on her counter, she reached next to it get the to slices of wheat bread out of the bread box.  Dropping them into the slits above the toaster you could hear the bounce of it’s springs below.  Pushing the lever down she watched the bread disappear, going back to the refridgerator she got a zip lock bag of lettuce and a ripe tomato that she held like gold. Up here in the north it was rare to get veggies that lasted long or made the trip well.  Placing them on the counter, she pulled the drawer open and go the knife.  Going to another drawer she retervied her cutting board.  The best thing about the cermaic knife was that she could do both tasks with this one blade.  The lettce didn’t take long to get a few good pieces to place on the up coming sandwhich. Getting the tomato she was amazed yet again at how the cermaic knife slid easily through the delicate skin of the tomato. The juice slid along the sides, making her mouth water for what was to come.  She made a few more cuts with her little wonder blade and turned her attention to the bacon that was popping away in the frying pan.

            Fliping the bacon to it’s other side she watched as the meat began to get browner and browner. The click of the toaster told her that the bread was done. Reaching to her right she got a paper plate and placed a couple paper towels on top, getting her spatula she flipped them couple more times for good measure. The scooping up all six pieces at once she placed them on a plate. Turning off the stove she realized that she for got to turn on the coffee pot, “idiot” she mumbled as she pressed the button. The smell of the bacon already had her excited for her first bite.  Gathering another paper plate she placed the toast on it, getting the remains of the lettuce and half the tomato she headed back to the fridge one last time.  When she came back out she had the mayo, stopping by the silver ware drawer she got a butterknife. Opening the top of the mayo she scooped out the contents with the flat dull silver blade, spreading just a thin film on the sides of the toast she place the knife down and closed the lid to the mayo. Using the crazy angled slices of lettuce she placed them on the filmy toast, to slices of the tomato went on next.  Followed by three and a half broken bits of bacon. Taking the other side of toast she finished it off on top. Lookng back at the coffee she seen it was almost done.  Reaching up to the cupboard her hand met her favorite mug, smooth and fimilar she poured herself a cup of jo.  Scooping up her plate and heading to her chair next to the fireplace, she placed them on the end table. Sitting down she felt as if her bones and muscles were melting into the chair. Turning on the radio she listened to the soft sounds of the evening news. Picking up her perfect dinner she smiled as she sank her teeth into it.

Full and satisfied she melted even farther into the chair. Until she heard the scratching at the door, she smiled. Her friend was home now to, getting up with all the effort she had left she opened the door to see him slip past her to the hearth of the fireplace, there he curled up into a ball showing her it was well past both of their bedtimes.  Taking the hint she headed straight to the warmest and softest part of her house. Her bed.