Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Car

“This the place that those kids saw that thing.” The young woman said excitedly as she began glancing around the area in question.
            The man and woman had parked in-between too streetlights at the end of a street which was still being developed. There was construction fence and heavy equipment around the left side of the street, while the other side had homes that were landscaped and ready to move in. “Are you going to be able to wait Jess?” The man looked to the woman that was almost breaking her neck to look around the area in the car.
            “Yes Paul, I will could sit here all night,” she smiled. Pulling from a plastic bag two five-hour energy shooters and a large bag of Doritos.
            Paul chuckled, “You look like you are loaded for bear.”
            “I am ready for anything.” Jess smiled.
            About three hours into the little stake out, Jess was eating her Doritos while Paul was using some scanner to check out the area. Jess glanced around the area again, nothing was there, and she was beginning to think that those kids had sent them on a wild goose chase. Did they have the technology to make the photo they showed a fake one? That was the question that rolled around her brain, until the corner of her eye caught movement.
            “Paul! Something moved right there!” Jess pointed in the direction of the construction yard.
            “Nothing was on the monitor,” Paul glanced one more time to make sure. Then he looked out the window and at first only saw an empty yard. Then he noticed, a shadow flickering from spot to spot. Again he looked at his monitor, nothing what kind of supernatural could not show up on this radar. He had to find out. Grabbing a couple tools he looked at Jess, “Alright you stay here and watch the monitor, I am going to go in and check it out.”
            “I am not sure about this,” Jess shuttered. What else could she say; he had already grabbed some gear and was crossing the street to check it out. She rolled down the window, and placed the monitor in her lap. Jess kept an eye on both the monitor and Paul. She could see Paul weaving his way through the work site, but could not see what she had seen earlier. Suddenly without warning she watched as her friend was taken with a scream from him. She looked at the monitor to see that his heat signature was fading. She screamed. Throwing the monitor into the back seat, she went to slide over to the driver seat. But, she heard an unearthly growl, looking up at the window she seen, and huge teeth in an open maw, and glowing golden eyes.  Screaming again the thing reached her leg and pulling without caution there was a snap loud enough it echoed in the street. Then, nothing but silence, just a car sitting in the along the side of the street between streetlights.

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